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60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties

EU News 58/2017

European Council

EU heads of state or government met in Rome, Italy, on 25 March, for the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties. This was an occasion to reflect on the state of the European Union and look at the future of the integration process.

"Today in Rome we are renewing the unique alliance of free nations that was initiated 60 years ago by our great predecessors", said President Donald Tusk at the ceremony in Campidoglio. "At that time they did not discuss multiple speeds, they did not devise exits, but despite all the tragic circumstances of the recent history, they placed all their faith in the unity of Europe."

President Tusk highlighted that fact that on the day of the anniversary millions of people across Europe were demonstrating their support for the EU.

At the end of the celebrations the leaders adopted and signed the Rome Declaration setting out a joint vision for the years to come.

In the Declaration, they stressed that the European Union is a unique Union with common institutions and strong values, a community of peace, freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, a major economic power with unparalleled levels of social protection and welfare.

Leaders declared that, aware of the concerns of the EU citizens, they commit to the Rome Agenda, and pledged to work towards:

- a safe and secure Europe
- a prosperous and sustainable Europe
- a social Europe
- a stronger Europe on the global scene

 "Europe as a political entity will either be united, or will not be at all. Only a united Europe can be a sovereign Europe in relation to the rest of the world," said President Tusk.

The Rome Declaration, 25/03/2017

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