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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2016> 2016 Enlargement Package: credible enlargement process key to driving transformation and anchoring stability in Southeast Europe

2016 Enlargement Package: credible enlargement process key to driving transformation and anchoring stability in Southeast Europe

EU News 359/2016

Brussels, 9 November 2016

The European Commission adopted today its annual Enlargement Package. It assesses where the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey stand in implementing key political and economic reforms, and what needs to be done to address the remaining challenges. Among other things, the Commission recommends that Member States consider opening accession negotiations with Albania. This is, however, strictly subject to credible and tangible progress in the implementation of the judicial reform, in particular the re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors ("vetting").


Commissioner Johannes Hahn added that this year's annual report on Turkey comes at a very important point in time for Turkey and for EU-Turkey relations: "We are gravely concerned about the degradation of the rule of law and democracy unfolding in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt. In its own interest, Turkey urgently needs to stop moving away from the EU.''

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