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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Mustang is the winner of this year’s LUX Film Prize

Mustang is the winner of this year's LUX Film Prize

EU News 349/2015

European Parliament

President Martin Schulz announced that Mustang had won the 2015 European Parliament LUX Prize for cinema at a ceremony in the Chamber in Strasbourg at noon on Tuesday. Mustang tells the story of five sisters who have been promised to husbands through forced marriages but who, determined to live their own lives, break the yoke of tradition.

Mr Schulz congratulated the three finalists, including the winning film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven and her crew, and said: "These very different films raise fundamental questions: "How must our continent of emigration change in order to evolve into a continent of immigration? What is the role of women in societies on our doorstep? How is the economic crisis undermining our lives together? These European films deserve our support and I am proud that the European Parliament is again this year helping to show these films as widely as possible."


The other two films on the shortlist for the 2015 prize were Mediterranea (Italy, United States, Germany, France, Qatar) by Jonas Carpignano and Urok (The Lesson) by Kristina Grozeva and Petar Valchanov (Bulgaria, Greece). The winner is decided every year by a ballot of MEPs.

Source and additional information:

Turkish-French film director Deniz Gamze Ergüven thanks Parliament for awarding her the 2015 Lux Prize for her film Mustang.© EU 2015 - European Parliament URL