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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Eurogroup statement on Greece

Eurogroup statement on Greece

EU News 344/2015


The Eurogroup welcomes the completion by the Greek authorities of the first set of milestones and the financial sector measures that are essential for a successful recapitalisation process. This is an important step towards addressing the main challenges that the Greek economy is facing and towards restoring it to a sustainable path. It has also enabled the ESM Board of Directors to approve today the second disbursement under the first tranche of the ESM programme for an amount of €2 bn.

Source and additional information:

File Photo: Euclide Tsakalotos, Greek Minister for Finance, on the right, and Pierre Moscovici, Member of the EC in charge of Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Date: 04/11/2015 Reference: P-029452/00-13 Location: Athens - Ministry of Finance (C)EU, 2015 URL