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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2015> Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route: Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action

Meeting on the Western Balkans Migration Route: Leaders Agree on 17-point plan of action

EU News 293/2015

Brussels, 25 October 2015

The past weeks have shown that the challenges currently faced along the Western Balkans migration route will not be solved through national actions. Only a collective, cross-border approach based on cooperation can succeed. This is why President Juncker convened the leaders of the countries concerned and most affected by the emergency situation along the Western Balkans route.

Today, leaders representing Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia met in Brussels at the Commission's Berlaymont Headquarters and agreed to improve cooperation and step up consultation between the countries along the route and decided on pragmatic operational measures that can be implemented as of tomorrow to tackle the refugee crisis in the region.

Source and additional information:

Extraordinary meeting on the crisis of migration in Eastern Europe along the Western Balkans route. Angela Merkel. Date: 25/10/2015 Reference: P-029411/00-148 Location: Brussels - EC/Berlaymont (C)EU, 2015 URL