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The Science Slam in Tokyo

EU News 525/2013

17 December 2013

A science slam is where researchers present their research to an audience in a way that is easily understandable and enjoyable. The Slam Japan was held on 16 October and co-organised with Tokyo Institute of Technology. The winner was Ms Mugiko KOMATSUDA, a 25-year-old doctoral student from the Department of Veterinary Physiology at the University of Tokyo. She is undertaking research on exercise and overeating through running experiments with rats. The title of her talk was: “How Physical Exercises Affect Obesity and Overeating”. She is also strongly interested in science communication, which motivated her to participate in the competition.

The first prize was a trip to Brussels to attend the: 'Raising Researchers’ Voices' conference (21-22 November). On 10 December, after coming back from already cold Brussels, Ms Mugiko KOMATSUDA visited EU Delegation to Japan and met with Hans Dietmar Schweisgut, Ambassador of the European Union to Japan (photo)

See also: Japan Times article (22 October 2013):

To know more about EURAXESS Japan, please see:

Meeting images by TK, EU, 2013 URL