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Little Ambassadors event held at the Delegation

EU News 363/2013

13 August 2013

On 9 August a group of 50 primary school students visited the Delegation as part of a Little Ambassadors initiative run by the International Women's Club Japan. The visit was part of a week long programme which began on the 5 August with a presentation on the EU given to the group by the Delegation's Academic Cooperation Officer, Richard Kelner, at the Tokyo Prince Hotel.

The students were given topics to research throughout the week such as "The Role of the EU in the World", "Foods of the EU", and "Languages of the EU", then on the 9 August the students came to the Delegation to present their topics to the group. The students all did a great job, and it was clear they had really done their homework and learnt a lot about the EU. At the end of the session all participants were given certificates officially appointing them as Little Ambassadors.


Photos by RK, EU, 2013