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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> Third EU-US-Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials, Brussels 29-30 May 2013

Third EU-US-Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials, Brussels 29-30 May 2013

EU News 336/2013

11 July 2013

The Third EU-US-Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials focussed on the development and implementation of new models in efficient management of critical materials. Raw materials are essential for the sustainable functioning of modern societies and industries, but some raw materials have or will become “critical”.

In 2011 the EU, Japan and the US launched a trilateral dialogue to promote cooperation in the field of critical materials.

The first and second Trilateral Conferences were organised in Washington (October 2011) and in Tokyo (March 2012).

Both events attracted top governmental representatives, including US Secretary of Energy Dr Chu and the Japanese Minister for Energy Mr Edano.


Conclusions from the Conference (PDF)

Source and additional information:

Third EU-US-Japan Trilateral Conference on Critical Materials, From left to right : His Excellency William E. Kennard, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union, United States' Mission to the European Union Dr. Rudolf Strohmeier, Deputy Director-General, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation His Excellency Kojiro Shiojiri, Ambassador of Japan to the European Union , (C)EU, 2013 URL