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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> EU Charter is making fundamental rights a reality for citizens

EU Charter is making fundamental rights a reality for citizens

EU News 222/2013

Brussels, 8 May 2013

Three years after it became legally binding, the impact of the European Union’s Charter of Fundamental Rights is increasingly clear. It is becoming a point of reference not only for the EU institutions when drawing up legislation but also for the European and national courts, making fundamental rights a reality for citizens in Europe. These are the findings of today's third annual report on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, covering 2012, which illustrates with a wide range of fundamental rights related cases that the EU is continuing to build a more coherent system for protecting people’s fundamental rights. Today’s report is accompanied by a new progress report on equality between women and men during 2012 and it coincides with a series of new actions to reinforce citizens’ rights that the Commission has put forward in its 2013 EU Citizenship Report (see IP/13/410 and MEMO/13/409).

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