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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> Statement following the adoption of a new UNSC resolution on the DPRK

Statement following the adoption of a new UNSC resolution on the DPRK

EU News 121/2013

7 March 2013

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission Catherine Ashton issued the following statement today:

 "I welcome the unanimous adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 2094 on 7 March 2013. This is a clear expression of the unity of the International Community and its resolve to uphold the global non-proliferation regime. It sends an unequivocal message to the DPRK that the International Community will not tolerate the continued violations of its relevant non-proliferation Resolutions. The EU strongly supports the UN and the system of multilateral rules and norms and will swiftly act in support of the Resolution and transpose the measures it contains.

It is regrettable that the North Korean authorities have already threatened further provocative actions. I repeat my call on the North Korean authorities to reflect and, instead of threats, put the welfare of their people first and choose a more constructive path, through reengagement with the international community."

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