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HomeResourcesNews from the EU2013> President Barroso announces creation of a Science and Technology Advisory Council

President Barroso announces creation of a Science and Technology Advisory Council

EU News 101/2013

27 February 2013

The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, has announced today the creation of a Science and Technology Advisory Council. This informal advisory body held its first meeting today in Brussels.


The creation of the Advisory Council follows the President’s appointment of Professor Anne Glover as the European Commission’s first Chief Scientific Adviser in January 2012, aiming at ensuring more evidence-based European Union policy-making, but also at promoting the uptake of science & technology in society, including a better transfer of knowledge from the scientific world to industry.

Source and additional information:

1st meeting of the Science and Technology Advisory Council. Date: 27/02/2013 Reference: P-022773/00-02 Location: Brussels - EC/Berlaymont ©EU, 2013, URL